
Case-study – Audit of real privileges

In case of financial institutions, it is expected that entitlements in any system to be set after appropriate approval only. For this very purpose during the first decade of the 2000s (around 2008), most of financial institutions have introduced some kind of IDM system that supports request and approval of user entitlements, and generally (but [...]


Case-study – Segregation of duties (SoD)

Our customer, a financial institution received a task to ensure the separation of duties (SoD) at the level of entitlements, thereby minimizing process-level risks and meet the supervisory expectations. This financial institution did not have a centralized identity management system that would have been appropriate to carry out the task, and therefore sought a viable [...]


Case-study – Quick project

A Hungarian financial institution received a task from the supervisory organization (from the Hungarian National Bank) to review and document the default and maximal set of permissions for each position in the organization, as well as to document and validate the applicable Segregation of Duties rules. The bank sent request for tender to potential suppliers, [...]


Holiday greetings

Dear costumer, partner, coworker, supporting friend, The year of 2016 was about advancement of our company. It is not so transparent, but we, and the ones working or interacting with us feel the development, advancement. So we are proud to say that it was an outstanding year for us, and we feel that [...]


3 important tasks related to Identity Governance for financial instituitions

The focus of custom access management has changed over the last few years. While the main duty of Identity Management (IdM) is the centralized administration and automated provisioning of user permissions, by now the emphasis is significantly shifted towards the effective fulfillment of security requirements and compliance. To answer these new demands, financial institutions [...]

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