The purpose of the modul:
The main advantage of the Audit&Role Workbench’s Role-Maintenance Module is the advanced assistance in profile creation and profile administration via. the analysis of entitlements in an arbitrary group of users.
Main functions of the system:
- Role-Profiles are created according to the current assignments of rights; therefore resulting profiles suit more the real requirements.
- Profile creation and administration is helped with automatic algorithms, therefore the profile creation is more efficient than the traditional, xls-based methods.
- This tool allows creation of all-system-wide profiles for certain position, process or project role, which minimalizes the number of individual user-permission assignments.
- Usage of the Role-Maintenance Module is handsome, which allows delegate role-creation and role administration to the business expert.
- Delegating role-creation and role administration to business experts makes this task well scaling with the size of the organization.
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